Everybody's favorite comic about games. One of the funniest strips on the net, and has great bonus material too (check out the Love & Hate colums, they are brilliant). This is the first web comic I ever read, and is still a favorite of mine.
This is one of my favorite web comics. Fantastic art, a great story, very likable charecters, and it's funny. This is the web comic that made me want to put my work on the internet. A+ all the way.
A silly comic that can be serious at times. Once again, it's a personal favorite. Not much to say other then it's hilarious, check it out!
I am not sure what the hell it is about this strip, but I keep coming back. The art sucks ass and it isnt that funny. Well, check it out, and see if you can tell me why.
One of the internet's favorite, it seems like everyone loves Megatokyo. It isn't the funniest comic out there, but it has a great story and fantastic art. If you havn't read this comic, then I have no idea how you found mine.
Taking the sprites from old final fantasy's, this retell's the game (kinda) but with alot more humor. Very funny! Well worth a look.
Hmmmm, thats a hefty promise. But seriously, this dude is awesome! Really a nice guy. The comic is just as cool as he is. Why are you still reading this? Check it out!
Dark humor at its best. This comic has quickly become one of my favorites. Its the first comic that I read when I do my runs around the internet. It's updated 3 times a week, but that isnt enough for me! Read it, you'll be glad you did.
Link to Me
Okay, so here is the deal! I don't care who links to me, all I want in return is that you E-mail me and tell me you did so. That way, I can return the favor!