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Sigh 8-18-02

Here's a shitty post

Okay, so this week I was super lazy. I barly got this comic done on time, which proves how bad I am, I ONLY HAVE TO DO ONE GOD DAMN COMIC A WEEK! This just squeaked by on time, doing everything at the last second which totally shows in the shitty art work. Anyways, I figured the best way to compliment the shitty comic, is with a shitty post, so there you go.


Okay, I dont think im going to be doing this site any more. It started as a big piece of shit and has been getting progressivly worse. I know I've only been doing for a short amount of, but god damn, its just pitiful latly. Argh, its really frusrtating, cause i really wanted this comic to be something, but im to fucking lazy to do it. I remember when this first started I was so excited! I got everything coded up real good, and I worked hard on the comics, fleshing out a story line in my mind. But as time went on, it just turned to mush...

Maybe I am asking for to much, but god damn, no one ever comes here, so im basically making a shitty comic for myself, one that I cant fucking stand to look at now, cause its just laughing in my face of what a fucking failure it is. So this is probably the last fucking comic, post and update. Hey look at me, im talking to myself, no on reads this shit...

Shane "the fucker that never finish's anything" Milner

Pants 8-18-02


That title doesn’t relate in the least. I’m sure Shane is going to touch on this in his post, but someone is suing fast food companies for making him fat and making him have heart attacks and shit. Jigga who what? That doesn’t seem like something that should happen ever, EVER, but, oh wait? Yes, we live in America, the land of fatasses and lazy people who want money for being lazy, and having fat asses, it’s so ludicrous it makes my head hurt. My guess is, they will win, yay our legal system, “Mr. Supreme Court, my coffee was hot,” says a very stupid person. What do you think our legal system should do about it? You better have said, make the company who made their coffee hot for them, pay them millions of dollars, because they are fucking morons!!!

Look ma, separate ideas. Also, while I’m getting my rant on, I saw a commercial on every African American persons favorite station (because it is the ONLY station which has more than one stereotypical African American character on each show), the WB, there is going to be another super shitty super heroine show about the offspring of Batman and Catwoman, from the movie Batman Returns, a good movie, but which is being shot in the face by some dumbass writer. But wait, how could they have a child, even if they did have “intercourse”, that means fucking! Woo FUCKING!!! Catwoman died at the end of the movie, before a little baby could pop out. I’m angry WB, Bad WB!!!

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Phat Diddy discovered what multiple paragraphs are!

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